Have you ever noticed how the fun of doing something that affects your brain wears off over time? It’s frustrating, right? Your brain gets used to it, and suddenly, you need to spend more and do it more often to get the same feeling. This can make you smoke or spend more money without feeling as good as before.

But don’t worry; there are ways to lower or reset your weed tolerance. Let's discuss how to keep the good vibes going without overdoing it!

Why Does Tolerance Increase?

Cannabis tolerance isn’t like tolerance to other drugs. It works differently. Normally, with substances like alcohol, your size and the amount you drink determine how intoxicated you get. But weed doesn’t follow that rule. Even a big guy might not get high as quickly as a small woman, even if they both smoke regularly.

Our bodies adapt fast to THC, the active ingredient in cannabis, because it changes our brains. If you want to dive deep into science, check out our previous articles or do your research. Essentially, our body recognizes THC in a way that makes our brain control how much it affects us. This control can impact your appetite or how you see things.

So, the more often you use cannabis, the faster your brain tries to limit how high you get. It’s all about how your body reacts to THC in the long run!

How Fast Does This Happen?

How quickly your tolerance to cannabis builds up depends on you and how often you smoke. I’ve had a low tolerance since my teenage years because I don’t smoke very often and get high pretty easily. This highlights how fast your tolerance can drop, too. I smoke occasionally, and my tolerance hasn’t increased at all.

Your tolerance can shoot up rapidly based on the potency of the weed, your body, and how much you smoke. If you jump straight into smoking a few joints every day, you could find your tolerance soaring within a week. Eventually, you might become almost completely tolerant.

The whole point of smoking is to get a little high. If your tolerance gets too high, you could try changing the type of cannabis you smoke, increasing the amount, or using something stronger. But honestly, these might create more problems in the long term.

The good news is that for most people, tolerance can drop as quickly as it builds up well. It’s a bit of a waiting game, but it can happen!

Taking A T Break  

The most common way to lower your tolerance is by taking a break from smoking Weed . However, be prepared; it might take a bit longer for your tolerance to drop than it did to build up. On average, it takes about 21 days for your body to detox from THC fully. This break is the surefire way to reset your tolerance, although it might not be everyone's cup of tea, as it requires a significant amount of time to smoke.

But fear not; if a long break isn’t your thing, there are a few other methods to reduce your tolerance without quitting. Let’s explore some options to help you feel the way you did before without giving up smoking entirely.

Monitor Your THC Input 

Smoking strains with higher CBD content than THC is especially helpful if you struggle to deal with withdrawal symptoms during a break from smoking. While cannabis doesn’t lead to physical addiction, many people experience mental dependence, making it hard to quit outright. For those struggling with this, abruptly stopping might not be a healthy or effective choice.

Opting for strains higher in CBD can help manage withdrawal symptoms while gradually reducing your tolerance. It might take a bit more time, but you can achieve the same results and still enjoy smoking. It's a win-win situation!

One Hitter

Have you ever heard of a one-hitter or a chillum? Many folks think it's the best way to lower your tolerance without quitting entirely. It’s a cool method for microdosing Weed , which means taking tiny amounts. People often use this technique, especially when dealing with mental health issues. Microdosing offers many benefits of cannabis, like appetite improvement, pain relief, and anxiety reduction, without getting you super high from THC.

If quitting abruptly feels too harsh or might lead to bingeing, micro-dosing can be a gentle way to keep your brain happy while letting your tolerance drop. You can easily get a small, portable one-hitter wherever you go.

I did some research, and Dart makes the most popular hitter. It’s user-friendly, with a scent-proof compartment for your ground weed, a small one-hitter, and a larger one. Plus, it's made of metal and has a shiny design – pretty cool, right?

Potential Withdrawal 

Certainly! Here's a more user-friendly version of the content:

Before you decide on any method, whether smoking less often or trying something new, it's important to know about potential withdrawal symptoms that might come with quitting weed completely. These can vary from person to person, but some common ones include:

  • Reduced appetite

  • Headaches

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Stomach issues

  • Intense and vivid dreams

  • Mood swings

Remember, these symptoms aren't guaranteed for everyone, but if you find yourself experiencing them after quitting, you might want to consider alternatives to cutting down completely. You should talk to a doctor or an addiction specialist if your withdrawal symptoms are severe. They can help you explore different options and ensure your health and well-being are taken care of.